Our Member Services
“It makes such a difference having the support of such an organisation. With the help ranging from how best to look for work to just feeling more positive and energised from the Monday meetings.” – Henry M.
We offer a complete range job search support services to professionals who are in-between jobs, or want to transition to a different role, as well as graduates wanting to find their first job.
We offer a programme of talks over a period of weeks about the whole job search process typically including identifying your transferable skills, developing your personal brand, writing a CV, job search preparation, the interview and handling difficult questions, communication skills, networking, working with recruiters.
Our experienced specialists provide mock interview sessions for Careers Springboard members. Please try to book these sessions in advance and send us copies of the job advertisement, job description, your CV and Cover Letter so that we can make the mock interview as close as possible to the real thing. This will give you the opportunity to see how well you perform and practise responses to difficult questions. It will leave you feeling more confident and better prepared.
If you haven’t got through to interview stage yet, or it’s a long time since you’ve had an interview, it’s never too early to practice your technique. Just let us know which roles you’re applying for and we can arrange a generic mock interview.
We have an arrangement to offer confidential counselling for members with qualified counsellors, via a local organisation, to help overcome issues we cannot support ourselves.